Thursday, October 27, 2011

Whole Foods + Marc Vetri + Olive Oil

This one has to start with a shout out to Food and Wine, if only because that’s where the recipe came from. I subscribed to the magazine a year or so ago because of some ridiculous deal, and I was frankly pretty unimpressed. I planned to cancel when the deal ended. But then the past few months, the magazine has been really good. With, like, recipes that I might actually cook and stories I enjoyed reading. Way to turn it around, Food and Wine.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Total Fail - The Cinnamon Roll Debacle

When I rolled over in bed this morning and offered Nick the choice between gingerbread pancakes and cinnamon rolls for breakfast, I was not anticipating any problems. I just had a yen to do some baking on a beautiful, sunny, crisp fall day. Yesterday I made a pumpkin pie. I’m in baking overdrive.

He chose cinnamon rolls. Yum.

While I love yeast dough rolls, the kind my mother made for Christmas morning, if it’s actually morning and I’m just pulling out the bowls, I go for quick rolls, made with biscuit dough. Cook’s Illustrated has a terrific recipe for Quick Cinnamon Rolls with Buttermilk Icing. I made it with my delightful young nephews last Thanksgiving – so we’re not talking difficult here.

Or so I thought (foreshadow, foreshadow).