Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Harold McGee Dodges My Question!

You may all remember The Great Cheesecake Failure of '10. I put a cheesecake in the oven. It dripped, and an oven fire ensued. Removed cheesecake, put out fire. Let oven cool, cleaned oven. Reheated oven and put cheesecake back in.

The cheesecake did nothing. Refused to bake any further.

I wanted to know why. So when Evan Kleiman, host of the fabulous show Good Food, solicited questions for her guest Harold McGee, author of On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen, I submitted my query. And she asked him!

It didn't make it onto the show, but the segment is posted on the Good Food blog: "Nadine wants to know about par-baking."

She asks my question, and he totally dodges it! Talks about bacteria and toxins and par-baking bread instead!

I have mixed emotions. I'm rather chuffed that she asked my question. Annoyed that I still have no answer. But also vindicated: I don't know why this happened. But neither does Harold McGee. So at least I'm in good company.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, this made me laugh, but I still would like to know what the hell happened with the cheesecake! Maybe Alton Brown would know?
